Christians have been challenged to educate their children to have a bright future.
The call was made last evening by Dr Habasa Johnson the hopeful MP for Buyaga West constituency while officiating at fundraising function held at Kyakajwiga COU , in Kyakajwiga LC1, Kyesamire Parish , Muhooro Sub-County in Kagadi District.
Dr Habasa further challenged Christians to love one another and cultivate high value crops to alleviate poverty from their families.
He supported the fundraising drive with 500,000UGX towards the roofing of the church.
Insert………Habasa on Christians.
Meanwhile, Munguyiko Johnbaptist the lay reader of Kyakajwiga COU challenges married couples to respect their marriage vows to have peaceful families.
He challenged Christians to celebrate responsibly this festive season to save for next year school fees for their children and work hard for development.
Insert …….Johnbaptist on Christians.